Sunday 18 February 2007

All the Young Men (1960)

A film I had never heard of. Halliwell's film guide says a marine patrol in Korea is commanded by a black man and the racial tension take precedence over fighting the enemy.

Simple-minded, parsimoniously budgeted war melodrama.

Sidney Poitier is the Sergeant who is given command by the Lieutenant as he is dying.

Alan Ladd is the most experienced but has no stripes. The first part of the film is setting the scene and they end up defending a house against faceless enemy who they machine gun and grenade by the score.

Alan Ladd gets his leg crushed by a tank and they save him The patrol hold out long enough for them to be saved by their own side.

No much of a film and not one that you would bother seeing again. They spent too little on the story. It was a pity the great Shane ( Alan Ladd) was reduced to this. He rode off in the sunset after saving the town form the baddies just to end up being banale on a snow covered hill side in Korea.

Sidney Poitier was rehearsing for his tough put upon black man roles.

What do they call you boy ?

They call me MISTER Tibbs !

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